Split payments for multiple scenarios

Zplintr's split payment system adapts to your clients' most complex needs.

Use cases

The following use cases show you how online vendors use Zplintr's split payments to increase their sales.

John's strip

John and two of his friends are planning a trip for the summer.

Julies' concert

Julie wishes to buy baseball tickets for the whole family. The price is a bit high and she wishes to use several payment cards.

Lea's business stay

Lea travels for business. Her company pays for her hotel room but not for the executive louge which she enjoy's using.


Group split payment

John can easily split with his friends


He can add as many participants as he wishes to.


He can customize each partipant's amount.


He can check who paid and who hasn't yet.


Reminders will automatically be sent to late payers.


Multi-card split payment

  • Unlimited number of cards

    Julie can use as many cards as she whishes to in order to make her payment.

  • Many payment methods

    Julie can use her preferred payment cards to split (Visa, Mastercard, Amex, ...) bt also other payment methods such as Ideal, Alipay, Google pay, WeChat Pay and much more...


Business / Leisure split payment

Lea can split corporate and personnal expenses

Single service

Lea can split one single booking by putting $500 on her corporate card and $247 on her personnal card to book the room she whishes to get.

Many services

Lea can split the payment between the room booking and the ancillary services that she will pay by herself.